馃殌 Misi贸n
To work together with different social actors to address climate change through awareness rising and the implementation of greenhouse gases adaptation and mitigation projects in order to contribute to climate action from a socio-environmental perspective.
馃憮 Visi贸n
By 2030, to contribute to building a resilient planet and a low-carbon development in order to limit to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) the global temperature increase, following the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommendations.
Our values
Borderless actions
We understand that the environment does not recognize borders.
We advocate this principle enshrined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
We are convinced that environmental and climate education is essential to address climate change.
Team effort
We form multidisciplinary teams in which respect for diversity and promotion of gender equality are key to developing innovative and triple impact ideas.
Collective solution
We invite all segments of society to be part of the solution. The solution is collective.
Triple impact
Our work is based on a sustainable approach, and thus we take into account the social, environmental and economic areas.
Mariano Villares
Co-FundadorMtr. Abogado
Nasha Cuello
Co-FundadoraLic. en Ciencias Ambientales
Emiliano Vallejos
TesoreroLic. en Administraci贸n
Luz Ruggieri
Coordinadora de Mitigaci贸n y Regeneraci贸nPhD. Cs. Ambientales
Francisco Guerrieri
Coordinador de Comunicaci贸n y Voluntariado CorporativoDise帽o y Marketing
Micaela Tomasoni
Coordinadora de Capacitaciones y EventosAbogada
Micaela Abrigo
Coordinadora de Adaptaci贸n, P茅rdidas y Da帽osLic. en Cs. Ambientales
Luc铆a Newkirk
Asesora en ResiduosLic. en Cs. Ambientales
Damian Markov
Coordinador de Salud y Cambio Clim谩ticoDr. Medicina Clim谩tica
Iara Papczuk
Coordinadora de VoluntariosLic. en Gesti贸n Ambiental
Cruz Ruax
Coordinador de Creaci贸n de ContenidosPeriodista y comunicador
Alfredo “Alpio” Costa
Asesor en Meteorolog铆a y Climatolog铆aLic. en Cs. Atmosf茅ricas
Nahuel Pugliese
Asesor en Mitigaci贸n e Inventario de GEILic. en Cs. Ambientales
Mercedes Ramacieri
Asesora en Medici贸n de Huella de CarbonoLic. en Cs. Ambientales
Sofia Moratorio
Asesora en Gesti贸n Organizacional聽Ing. Industrial
Caterina Walker
Community ManagerEstudiantes Cs. del Comportamiento
Josefina Dihel
Administrativa-ComercialLic. en Cs. Ambientales
Alexia Makianich
Relaciones institucionalesLic. en gesti贸n ambiental urbana