Who we are

We are a multidisciplinary team

We are a non-profit foundation (non-governmental organization) formed by a group of professionals from various disciplines who join efforts to combat climate change. We have more than 10 years of experience in the public sector, the private sector, the entrepreneurial field, civil society organizations and universities.

馃殌 Misi贸n

To work together with different social actors to address climate change through awareness rising and the implementation of greenhouse gases adaptation and mitigation projects in order to contribute to climate action from a socio-environmental perspective.

馃憮 Visi贸n

By 2030, to contribute to building a resilient planet and a low-carbon development in order to limit to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) the global temperature increase, following the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommendations.

Our values

Borderless actions

We understand that the environment does not recognize borders.


We advocate this principle enshrined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.


We are convinced that environmental and climate education is essential to address climate change.

Team effort

We form multidisciplinary teams in which respect for diversity and promotion of gender equality are key to developing innovative and triple impact ideas.

Collective solution

We invite all segments of society to be part of the solution. The solution is collective.

Triple impact

Our work is based on a sustainable approach, and thus we take into account the social, environmental and economic areas.

Mariano Villares

Mtr. Abogado

Mariano Villares

He has a Master麓s degree in Environmental Management (ITBA) and he is an environmental lawyer (UBA, Argentina). Mariano participated in COP21-24. He is an IRAM-ISO 14.001 legal expert. He has extensive advisory experience on sustainability and environmental regulations.

Nasha Cuello

Lic. en Ciencias Ambientales

Nasha Cuello

Nasha A. C. Cuvelier has a B.S. in Environmental Sciences and she is also a specialist in climate change. She has been an activist and has managed adaptation, mitigation and awareness projects for more than 10 years. In 2015, Nasha was elected Youth Delegate by UNESCO for Paris Agreement, and since then she has actively participated in international negotiations.

Emiliano Vallejos

Lic. en Administraci贸n

Emiliano Vallejos

He has a B.S. in Administration, School of Economics (UBA). Emiliano attended the Amartya Sen Program course in 2015. He is the founder of Kamak, a consulting firm specialized in social economy.

Luz Ruggieri
Coordinadora de Mitigaci贸n y Regeneraci贸n

PhD. Cs. Ambientales

Luz Ruggieri

She has a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences (UAB, Spain). Luz is an expert in international cooperation. She has over 15 years of experience in multidisciplinary projects of high environmental complexity, both in the public and the private sectors.

Francisco Guerrieri
Coordinador de Comunicaci贸n y Voluntariado Corporativo

Dise帽o y Marketing

Francisco Guerrieri

He is a publicist with 12 years of experience designing and implementing strategies for various agencies and brands. Francisco is currently the Director of Accounts and Sustainability at Salommon Ideas Buenas. He has a degree in Corporate Social Responsibility (UNSAM).

Micaela Tomasoni
Coordinadora de Capacitaciones y Eventos


Micaela Tomasoni

She is a lawyer, Master's degree in Environmental Management at UNSAM, Argentina.
Consultor铆a en Gesti贸n Ambiental P煤blica y Privada. Elaboraci贸n, desarrollo eimplementaci贸n de estrategias efectivas de gesti贸n ambiental.
Experiencia en asesoramiento y desarrollo de programas de capacitaciones ambientales.

Micaela Abrigo
Coordinadora de Adaptaci贸n, P茅rdidas y Da帽os

Lic. en Cs. Ambientales

Micaela Abrigo

She has a B.S. in Environmental Sciences. Micaela is currently working on an agricultural co-innovation project at the School of Agronomy in Montevideo, Uruguay. She is pursuing a Master's degree in Natural Resources Management.

Luc铆a Newkirk
Asesora en Residuos

Lic. en Cs. Ambientales

Luc铆a Newkirk

She has a B.S in Environmental Sciences (UBA). Luc铆a has experience in environmental education and educational content creation. She is currently a researcher at the School of Agronomy (UBA) in urban solid waste management for Urban Hygiene Observatory of Buenos Aires.

Damian Markov
Coordinador de Salud y Cambio Clim谩tico

Dr. Medicina Clim谩tica

Dami谩n MArkov

M茅dico Pediatra, especializado en Medicina Clim谩tica y Salud Ambiental
Docente Asociado en el Programa sobre Pol铆ticas de Ciencias Clim谩ticas y de la Salud, Anschutz Medical Campus, Universidad de Colorado (EEUU)
Director para LATAM de S-Viva – Consultora especializada en Salud Humana y Ambiental
Coordinador de Clima y Salud – Sustentabilidad Sin Fronteras

Iara Papczuk
Coordinadora de Voluntarios

Lic. en Gesti贸n Ambiental

Iara Papczuk

She has a B.S in Urban Environmental Management (UNLA, Argentina). Iara has 7 years of experience working with the environmental public sector. She is the founder and director of Enfoque Sustentable, an environmental consulting firm.

Cruz Ruax
Coordinador de Creaci贸n de Contenidos

Periodista y comunicador

Cruz Ruax

Cruz is a multimedia content creator and an integral radio and television host (ETER). He has worked in public and private media as a socio-environmental communicator for over 8 years. He conducted and produced radio content for LS1 Radio de la Ciudad. Cruz worked in El Destape online, FM Oktubre and FM La Tribu media channels. He is also a communication instructor and teacher at ETER. He is a consultant and an instructor of public speaking and body language.

Alfredo “Alpio” Costa
Asesor en Meteorolog铆a y Climatolog铆a

Lic. en Cs. Atmosf茅ricas

Alfredo “Alpio” Costa

Research and media specialist He is a climatologist and he works in Programa Ant谩rtico Argentino (National Antarctic Program) at Instituto Ant谩rtico Argentino. Alfredo is a researcher in variability and climate change. He has a B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, School of Exact and Natural Sciences, UBA. He is a climatologist in several mass media and a professor at National University of La Plata (Argentina).

Nahuel Pugliese
Asesor en Mitigaci贸n e Inventario de GEI

Lic. en Cs. Ambientales

Nahuel Pugliese

He has a B.S. in Environmental Sciences, School of Agronomy (UBA) and a Master麓s degree in Law and Economics of Climate Change (FLACSO, Argentina). Nahuel has over 8 years of experience in sustainability and climate change in the public sector. He is a specialist in greenhouse gases (GHG) inventory and mitigation.

Mercedes Ramacieri
Asesora en Medici贸n de Huella de Carbono

Lic. en Cs. Ambientales

Mercedes Racieri

Mercedes Ramacieri: Licenciada en Ciencias Ambientales (UBA), maestranda en Gesti贸n Ambiental Metropolitana (UBA). Coordinadora de proyectos de gesti贸n ambiental en sector p煤blico y consultora independiente en sector privado. Especialista en Econom铆a Circular y gesti贸n de Residuos S贸lidos Urbanos. Actualmente realiza asistencia t茅cnica en el 谩rea de Mitigaci贸n de SSF

Sofia Moratorio
Asesora en Gesti贸n Organizacional聽

Ing. Industrial

Sofia Moratorio

Sof铆a Moratorio cuenta con experiencia en gesti贸n, estrategia y tecnolog铆a. Trabaj贸 como directora de operaciones en una agencia de marketing, luego, co-fund贸 una empresa tecnol贸gica, donde lider贸 la estrategia de producto y comercial.

Caterina Walker
Community Manager

Estudiantes Cs. del Comportamiento

Caterina Walker

Caterina Walker es estudiante de la licenciatura en Ciencias del Comportamiento. A trav茅s del estudio de las neurociencias cognitivas, econom铆a del comportamiento, psicolog铆a y an谩lisis de datos se inclina en el mundo del marketing junto a la investigaci贸n cient铆fica. Se desarrolla como Social Media Manager creando conexiones significativas y potenciar el alcance de las redes sociales.

Josefina Dihel

Lic. en Cs. Ambientales

Josefina Dihel

Lic. en Ciencias Ambientales (UBA). Cuenta con experiencia en proyectos de educaci贸n ambiental y gesti贸n de residuos. Actualmente se desempe帽a en el 谩rea comercial de SSF, facilitando el acercamiento con el sector privado.

Alexia Makianich
Relaciones institucionales

Lic. en gesti贸n ambiental urbana

Alexia Makianich

Licenciada en gesti贸n ambiental urbana de la Universidad Nacional de Lan煤s con experiencia de 5 a帽os en el abordaje de problem谩ticas ambientales.